100 Days Of Swift

I want to be able to design and develop Native iOS apps - the way Apple recommends. I decided to start spending time studying and working with Swift every single day in my quest.

I started this journey by purchasing a Swift course on Oct 25th, I've spent an hour or more everyday thus far working through the lessons. Six days down, ninety four to go!  

I plan to post once a week at a minimum to share my progress and experience teaching myself Swift. I work at a startup as the Director of Technology and have worked for many years before that as a full stack JavaScript Developer. So while I am new to Swift I am not starting from ground zero - I understand programming in general.

I have worked with Ionic exclusively over the last few years to build mobile apps. I have published over 10 Ionic apps. While I have always been curious about how to build iOS apps with Swift, I have never taken the time to explore the language.

What pushed me to this point is my desire to create Capacitor plugins for Ionic apps. Since I want to be able to make my own plugins I decided to learn Swift first, then do a similar 100 day sprint to learn Java or Kotlin so I can learn how to build native Android apps.

My hundred days of Swift will be complete on Feb 2nd 2021 - I am super excited to look back to see how much I learned over the 100 days once I get there.

In my next post I'll talk about what I have learned and my experience once the first full week is behind me.

Photo by Maxwell Nelson on Unsplash