All I can say is, time flies by fast when your having fun. It seems unreal to have been at TIY for a full month. I have learned so much up to this point. I can't believe that I only have 2 months left here!
Anyways, here's what I recall about week 4...
We learned alot about Ajax, and had a bunch of assignments that required us to use Ajax. We spent one day in class just reviewing PUT, and DELETE, it seemed that a few people had some issues with thoese two things. (myself included) Of course we learned about GET and POST, which were easier (to me) than PUT and DELETE. I had my first experience posting, retreiving, modifiying and deleting data from a server, which was exciting for me.
We also went deeper into Git and GitHub (Which I used to think were the same things, before attending TIY, lol) I had to do a hard reset once which is surprising. Git wasn't nearly has big of a challenge as I thought it was going to be. I was super nerveous because we were doing a group project, and I had fears that I would do something that would break the code base. We were working on our first group project (which had it's own set of challenges) and also using certain git and GitHub commands for the very first time. I felt like we were tossed into the deep end, but I'm used to that feeling at this point, lol
"...time flies by fast when your having fun."
Oh we also learned about responsive web design, and immediately were required to start creating mobile layouts. I love the challenge which comes from being expected to do something that you just learned a few hours prior, on the spot basicly. It helps to solidify the material. I've been using the "Mobile First" approach with all my projects ever since. It's cool to build something, and see it on my Macbook, then pickup my phone and see the same site laid out diffrently. (I wish I had brung my tablet with me, so I could test on it also. Ahh well)
Finally we are still using some cool tools like Yoman, Bower, Grunt. This week we were introduced to Neat(a grid framework), Bourbon(a mixin libary), and Bitters(precreated styles, structure and variables that you use with Bourbon - I hope I explained that right). It was interesting working with a framework for the first time, I will may make a post about that. There are a few other frameworks that I want to checkout in the near future.
I spent 10's of hours doing homework, and researching various things throughout the week (As if I even needed to tell you that)
What'd you do outside of the classroom?
We over the weekend we had a cookout at my apartment and we invited the entire class, and all the staff from TIY. My main man Tommy was on the grill again working his magic. We purchased $200 worth of beer and meats, which were consummed rather quickly. I meet alot of cool people, and even meet a few of the people in my apartment complex who came over to chill with us. Everyone had a fantastic time!
I also spent a little time on foot walking around downtown Greenville for the first time. I discovered a few cool pubs, and a awesome toy store! Really outside of the two things I listed above, all the rest of my time was spent doing class work or sleeping.
That about wraps up what I can remember of Week 4 at The Iron Yard.
Until Next Time...